
is where inbound, outbound and intraregional capital connects, organised by Questex LLC.

We know hospitality investment.

IHIF Asia will join Questex’s portfolio of market-leading hospitality investment events, including IHIF in Europe and NYU IHIIC in the US.

Leveraging Questex’s relationships with the investment community globally, IHIF Asia, strategically located in Hong Kong, will become the platform for connecting inbound, outbound, and intraregional capital with hospitality investment opportunities, including hotels, serviced apartments, residences, hostels, and co-living concepts.

For the deal maker, the asset manager, the strategist, and the researcher.

IHIF Asia is the event for investment professionals with an active interest in hospitality assets. Join those who are serious about brokering deals and driving significant returns.

IHIF Asia will add unrivalled value to those building their investment pipelines, and deliver on the relevant data, intelligence and though-leading insights which are required to support sharper underwriting and make informed investment decisions.

With a focus on the investment lifecycle and, through tailored activations, IHIF Asia will explore key asset management themes to enhance the income and return profile of hospitality investments and ensure their compliance with new regulation, including that related to ESG, for example.

Expect best-in-class exhibitors; advisors, financiers, brands, and operators, selected for their role in unlocking growth and making capital work harder.

IHIF Asia is set to be the hospitality event of the year. The body of attendees drawn to this event will be unparalleled, offering great opportunities to build relationships.



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