Мы заметили, что у Вас включена функция блокировки рекламы. Поскольку контент нашего портала содержит рекламу, программы для блокировки рекламы могут принять некоторые его функции за нежелательную рекламу и заблокировать или иным образом отключить их. Если Вы хотите пользоваться всеми возможностями портала, пожалуйста, добавьте адрес нашего портала в список разрешенных веб-сайтов (белый список). Спасибо!
CousCous Fest
International Festival of Cultural Integration...
Granelli della pace
Un evento che fa incontrare mondi diversi, mette insieme buon cibo, divertimento e grandi emozioni. E' un crocevia di culture, un'occasione in cui ci si ritrova per celebrare l'integrazione culturale e la diversità attraverso un piatto simbolo: il cous cous. Il Cous Cous Fest promuove da oltre due decenni valori di integrazione e rispetto reciproco, facendosi portavoce di un messaggio di speranza ancora più importante oggi. Per costruire insieme un futuro di pace, dialogo e cooperazione in tutto il mondo
Grains of peace
An event that brings together different worlds, brings together good food, fun and great emotions. It is a crossroads of cultures, an occasion where people come together to celebrate cultural integration and diversity through a symbolic dish: cous cous. For more than two decades, Cous Cous Fest has been promoting values of integration and mutual respect, making a message of hope even more important today. To build together a future of peace, dialogue and cooperation around the world
Organization and production
Cous Cous Fest is organized and produced by Feedback SrlFeedbackVia Libertà 103 – 90143 Palermo (Italy)
Phone +39 091 6263080
Press Office
Accreditation for Cous Cous Fest is available by contacting the Cous Cous Fest press office, indicating your personal details, the newspaper you belong to and the days you will be attending the event. Requests for accreditation must be received by Sept. 10.Angela AbbateFeedback srl
Business office
Contact us for information on sponsorship opportunities or to secure exhibit space.Manuela SpallaFeedback srl
manuela.spalla@feedback.itNicola Spina
Feedback srl
Источник © 2024 CousCousFest